Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Priming the rainbow

Sanding the rainbow

Smoothing the rainbow

Priming the rainbow

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

tories a goo goo

Found this today on YouTube. We are not sure what the meaning is, but it's always fun to see things we create transposed into new output:

See more videos we found on our website.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

new stage ideas

Here's the first ideas for the new stage show. Susan and I are starting on the rainbows this weekend. YEAH!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Button Idea

Unabashedly stolen from FFFFound!

Monday, October 27, 2008

working on the heads p2

Got the layer of fabric mache on one of the heads. We'll see how it turns out. I used a mixure of 1/2 white glue and 1/2 water to attach the fabric. The heads sure are lumpy! Lumpy head! Neyahh yeah!!

The fabric strips are about, well, this big

working on the heads!

I've started working on a few Bran Flakes paper mache heads. I build them by putting coats of paper mache on top of ballons. I'm going to try something different this time and finish them off with a coat of cloth mache which should make them quite a bit more durable.

We'll see!

marlon branflakes

A Wally Wood drawing. Now we'll have to sample Marlon Brando!

Thanks Barb for sending over!


It's the all new and improved for the very first time blog by The Bran Flakes!

Welcome to one and all.

Stay tuned for news about what is new.

Dear dear, not much to say now. Hold on tight to your dreams friends, we'll return after a bite to eat.